Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome to our blog.

Well we figured we'd join the rest of society and finally give into the world of blogging. But one question lingered, what subject?

Well obviously our talent and good looks were our first idea, but as years have taught us, it bores people greatly and chances are people would stop visiting after seeing our faces and soon block us from their children's browsers. ;)

So the biggest thing in our life next to our sarcasm and self-entertainment is our new baby girl who is due on May 17th.

Welcome to our blog. Enjoy. Leave comments. Subscribe to the feed to read all of the latest updates on Baby girl Roach.

With love,
Alex, Danielle, Patrick, & Max


  1. Ah, I love the new blog! It looks great, despite the pink. When I first learned that I was expecting a girl I felt very anti-pink also. Once I got into the stores and started looking for clothes I found that I didn't mind pink really, just the frilly, lacey fru-fru. You know?! I now have more than my fair share of pink baby clothes.

  2. Yeah I think we're the same way, we just want to stay away from the barbie/princess lace stuff. there's plenty of other girl things out there and people are starting to veer more and more away from the pink so I think we'll win eventually hehehe.

    Thanks Taylor! xoxo!
